The ability to zoom out sets apart great developers

November 18, 2023

As a software developer, the first skill you'll develop is the ability to go deep.

Get into complex problems, untangle them. Spend focused time to get to the bottom of some issue.

But as you gain seniority on your team, there's an important inflection point. At some point, being able to zoom out and see the big picture becomes just as (if not more) important.

The most valuable engineers I know are able to do both. Zoom into a complex issue & figure out a gnarly problem. Zoom out and see the broader business context to determine the best solutions or prioritize competing demands.

Both are critical, but many less experienced developers struggle to develop the skill of zooming out. They think an engineer's job is to solve the problem in front of you. Really, the greater value lies in being able to identify which problems are worth solving & in what order.

Often, if you can untangle the thorniest, most difficult problem, the rest of your problems become easier or irrelevant.

Learn to zoom out & evaluate your surroundings. It's key to becoming a great engineer.

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