Your tribe matters a lot

September 02, 2024

The community around you is super important as a human primate. We're wired to want social groups & close connections.

Unfortunately, modern society has made us need to rely on one another less. It also prizes independence over interdependence.

I'm reading a book called Tribe by Sebastian Junger & thinking about community a lot. Junger's main argument is we're happier & more resilient when we have a community we rely on.

Recently, a big goal of mine has been deeper connections - with neighbors, friends, family, coworkers, etc. When you like your neighbors, you're happier in your community. When you have ties to your coworkers, work feels more like teamwork. With a few deep friendships, you feel like someone has your back in the world.

Increasingly, I've come to believe that independence, freedom, autonomy, and self-sufficiency aren't cure-all virtues. We need & want the feelings that come with relying on one another.

So, what relationships are you building? Who in your life are you most grateful for?


(I realize this whole post is skewed by my experience in the USA. Many other cultures are far more community-driven & interdependent. Indeed, America prides itself on freedom & self-sufficiency, often at the expense of our happiness & national togetherness.)

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