Productivity is a bad way to get promoted

January 07, 2024

Maybe you think that being super productive - completing a lot of tickets, bugs, or design docs - is how you get promoted.

Getting promoted for your productivity is really an anti-pattern. You should try to AVOID it!

When you get promoted for being super productive, your boss will expect you to be even more productive in the new role! It's a never-ending treadmill. Now that you've gotten the promotion, you're expected to do more than you were already doing, even if you were already pushing your personal limits.

It’s an unsustainable cycle.

Instead, get promoted for your ability to strategically deliver value. You don’t need Pomodoro timers or optimized calendars in order to deliver big value.

Deliver something important to the organization — even at the delay of other tasks — and you’ll be noticed.

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