This past year, I started a men's group. I had friends from various circles that didn't know each other, but I wanted to bring them together. So, I organized something. The friends all hit it off, and we've been hanging out ever since.
In my experience, men in America aren't particularly good at making friends or fostering relationships. Especially if there are no sports or shared projects involved. So, we've been intentional about getting together, and we even call our gatherings a "men's group." We mostly just talk about the kinds of things that friends talk about, but somehow calling it a men's group seems to help everyone take it more seriously. And friendship is serious business!
One of my friends in the men's group is originally from Hong Kong. He's home for several weeks in January, including through the Lunar New Year.
Another member of the men's group recently quit his job and is vagabonding around southeast Asia for a while.
That confluence of events led us to dream up something - what if the men's group met up in Hong Kong?!? It was such an awesome idea that we've decided to do it! Shortly before Christmas, I bought the tickets with another member of the men's group.
(It turns out Cathay Pacific does a Boston <> Hong Kong direct flight!)
One member of the men's group won't be able to join :(, but four of us will be together on the other side of the globe next week! I leave on Saturday, and I'm staying for 10 days.
We already have big plans for food, tea, harbor cruises, bike trips, and so much more. It's really exciting & honestly hard to believe that we're really doing it.
I never imagined, when the men's group met for the first time last year, that something like this would happen! It taught be a great lesson about taking a chance & fostering intentional community. Hopefully, this round-the-world trip brings our men's group even closer.
P.S. - Thanks for sticking around on this email list through my recent radio silence. Other projects & priorities (like the men's group) have been taking up my attention. Frankly, I've been enjoying those projects & writing more sporadically. If it's cool with you, I'll email every once in a while when I have something to share. (If that's not cool with you, feel free to unsubscribe. No hard feelings.)