Aiming for longevity

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Often, I find I'm near-sighted in my outlook. What matters is what's happening today, this week, this year.

But I was recently watching an interview with a legendary racecar designer (Adrian Newey) where he talks about still finding joy in his work. Over the course of his career, Newey has designed many of the championship winning Formula 1 cars of the last 4 decades. He is 65 years old & starting a new job next year at a different racing team. Building from the ground up, again.

I'm not sure I'll have that kind of longevitiy (or legendary success) in my coding career, but I do hope to be able to transfer my focus to the long-term every once in a while. Is this work sustainable for a long time? How do I make my career path more enjoyable? What would I still like to be doing in my old age?

It's a focusing question, because it helps identify what you're good at, enjoy doing, and can do successfully (for money) for a long time. Few jobs will meet that criteria.

What's more, it challenges you to think about whether your habits are sustainable. Am I eating, sleeping, working, building relationships, and taking care of myself in a way that leads to longevity & healthy later life?

Thinking about the distant future is important. Not because it gives you goals to aim for - you have no way of knowing what your future truly holds - but because it serves as a lens to investigate whether your current choices are sustainable.

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