Deploying a Django Application to Google App Engine

November 19, 2018

Google’s docs were helpful, up until I tried to deploy something real…

Today, I successfully deployed a Django application that was working locally to a Google App Engine instance online.

Google’s docs and tutorials ( for this process worked well, but they didn’t do a good job of showing you what was going on under the hood with the sample application they had you deploy. When it came time to deploy an independent application, I hit a couple hurdles that I’ll walk through in this post.

As with most of my blog posts, if you find this guide useful, awesome! But I’m mostly writing it as a reference for my future self, because I know I’ll forget some of this stuff when I build another Django app and want to deploy it.


You’ll need the following to follow along with this guide:


This post breaks down into the following sections in order to get an App Engine instance running properly with a Django application. Each section has a clear goal so you know when you’re ready to move on to the next step.

  1. Make your app run locally
  2. Change the SQL server to a Cloud SQL instance via a proxy
  3. Modify to allow your app to connect to Cloud SQL
  4. Add other necessary files/requirements to your Django app
  5. Gather your staticfiles
  6. Deploy and troubleshoot

1. Make your app run locally

I won’t spend much time here, because this is basic Django stuff and outside the scope of this guide. However, needless to say your app should run locally on your computer.

Need help getting Django running? I’ve made some videos to help you:

Once you have a working Django app, it’s useful to think about how your app actually works before we start trying to deploy it. In my case, my app has a Django web server that handles routing and rendering web pages. In addition, the Django server connects to a SQL server in order to store model information in a database.

Since most apps have a database, most apps really need two servers to be runnning simultaneously: the web server and the SQL server. You’ll need to start the SQL server before the web server so the web server has something to connect to when it starts up.

Goal: You can move on when you can type python runserver and your application works locally at 127.0.0:8000 (or whatever port you're using).

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2. Change to a Cloud SQL server & run it locally via a proxy

Since the database comes first for any application, you’ll need to create your Google Cloud SQL instance before you can think about deploying the app itself to Google’s App Engine.

Visit your Cloud SQL instances dashboard. Click “Create Instance” to start a new SQL instance.

For the purposes of this guide, I used a MySQL 2nd Gen instance. I recommend it as it was fairly easy to set up.

Once the instance is created, you can get information about your SQL server from the command line using the Google Cloud SDK (install it if you haven’t already).

gcloud sql instances describe [YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME]

If this command runs successfully, it means you’ve done a few things right. If it fails, check the following:

  • You installed and configured the Cloud SDK correctly
  • You created a SQL instance in the current project and allowed it to fully initialize
  • Your instance exists on Google’s data platform and is connectable

Look toward the top of the output for a field called connectionName. Copy the connectionName as we'll need it to connect to the SQL instance remotely.

Alternatively, you can also get the connectionName from your Instance Details page in the GCP Console, under “Connect to this instance”

We’ve successfully created the SQL instance, but that doesn’t mean we’re home free. We still need to connect to it from our local machine to allow our app to run.

We need a server that can accept requests locally and relay them to our new remote server. Luckily Google has already built such a tool, known as Cloud SQL Proxy. To install it, navigate to the directory where your Django app’s is located. Then run the following command to download the proxy, if you’re on Ubuntu:

wget -O cloud_sql_proxy

You’ll need to change that downloaded file’s permissions in order for your machine to execute it:

chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy

Now we’re ready to do some linkage between our local machine and the Cloud SQL instance we just created. This will start the SQL server for our local development purposes and our Django app will be able to connect to the SQL server (once we change the app’s settings).

To start the SQL server locally:

./cloud_sql_proxy \ -instances"[YOUR_INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME]"=tcp:3306

Replace [YOUR_INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME] with the connectionName that we copied above.

Goal: If you’re successful, you should see:

2018/11/16 13:52:35 Listening on for [connectionName]2018/11/16 13:52:35 Ready for new connections

One more step: Now that your SQL instance is working, you’ll need to create a user to connect to that SQL instance and a database inside that instance. This is fairly easy inside the Google Cloud Dashboard - .

Create both a new user and a new database.

3. Modify so Django can talk to the new database

Leave the database server (Cloud SQL Proxy) running in the background. It needs to be listening for requests, because we’re about to connect to it!

Open in your Django project. We need to update the database settings so they'll point to Google Cloud SQL instead of whatever local database you were using.

Typically, we specify only one database within But in this case, we're going to use an if/else statement to let the application determine if it's being run locally in development or on the actual web server in staging/production.

This will be useful when we actually deploy the application. In production, the application will connect directly to Cloud SQL via a URL. In development on our local machine, it will know to use the Cloud SQL Proxy that we just installed and are running in the background.

To set up this if/else statement, replace your current database config information with this in

# [START db_setup] if os.getenv('GAE_APPLICATION', None): # Running on production App Engine, so connect to Google Cloud SQL using # the unix socket at /cloudsql/ DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'HOST': '/cloudsql/[YOUR-CONNECTION-NAME]', 'USER': '[YOUR-USERNAME]', 'PASSWORD': '[YOUR-PASSWORD]', 'NAME': '[YOUR-DATABASE]', } }

else: # Running locally so connect to either a local MySQL instance or connect # to Cloud SQL via the proxy. To start the proxy via command line: # $ cloud_sql_proxy -instances=[INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME]=tcp:3306 # See DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '3306', 'NAME': '[YOUR-DATABASE]', 'USER': '[YOUR-USERNAME]', 'PASSWORD': '[YOUR-PASSWORD]', } } # [END db_setup]

Use connectionName and the username, password, and database names you created in the previous step.

Notice that the else statement specifies a port for the SQL server of 3306 when you're running locally. When you initialize the proxy server, make sure to include the =tcp:3306 at the end of the command. Otherwise, Django will never find the server and you'll get a timeout error.

Goal: If you’ve updated correctly, you should be able to run your app locally.

Before you try it, though, keep in mind that you’re using a fresh new database. It doesn’t have any information about the tables/models it needs to contain. So, we need to migrate the models first.

python migrate

This is the first test of your database setup, so cross your fingers it works!

If successful, you should be able to run python runserver and your app will deploy locally, but using the Cloud SQL server as the database.

Bonus Step: You can go ahead and create a Django admin superuser now. Just type python createsuperuser

4. Add other necessary files/requirements to your app

At this point, your app works using a Google Cloud SQL database. Now, you just need to be able to deploy the Django app itself to the Google App Engine.

However, this is the point where Google’s Django deployment tutorial ends. It just says to type $ gcloud app deploy and voila, everything should work!

Of course, that works with Google’s carefully prepared tutorial repository and app, but it leaves out a lot of stuff you need to do to get an existing Django app ready for deployment on App Engine.

I’ll create subheadings for each file you’ll need to create/update in your app for it to work on App Engine. All of these edits are necessary.

I’ll use the directory names /, /mysite, and /myapp to specify which folder all these files go in in your Django project. Obviously, use whatever naming scheme your Django app uses.


This is the basic config file for App Engine. You can change a lot of settings here, but the most basic configuration will get your app up and running for now. Just use this:

# [START django_app] runtime: python37

handlers: # This configures Google App Engine to serve the files in the app's # static directory. - url: /static static_dir: static/

# This handler routes all requests not caught above to the main app. # It is required when static routes are defined, but can be omitted # (along with the entire handlers section) when there are no static # files defined. - url: /.* script: auto

# [END django_app]


This is a file App Engine looks for by default. In it, we import the WSGI information so GAE knows how to start our app.

from mysite.wsgi import application

# App Engine by default looks for a file at the root of the app # directory with a WSGI-compatible object called app. # This file imports the WSGI-compatible object of the Django app, # application from mysite/ and renames it app so it is # discoverable by App Engine without additional configuration. # Alternatively, you can add a custom entrypoint field in your app.yaml: # entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT mysite.wsgi app = application


App Engine needs to know what dependencies to install in order to get your app running. If you’ve got your app running locally with no problems (In an IDE or on Ubuntu), you can use pip to freeze your dependencies. Ideally, you used a virtual environment to separate your app’s dependencies from the rest of your machine’s installations. If not, that’s something to read up on and implement, but it’s way outside the scope of this post.

Freeze your dependencies like so:

$ pip freeze > requirements.txt


We already changed the database settings in but we need to add one more thing. A STATIC_ROOT to tell the App Engine where to look for CSS, Javascript, Images, etc.

The STATIC_URL field should already be in your, but if it's not or if it's not configured as below, update it.

# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) #

# Google App Engine: set static root for local static files # STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATIC_ROOT = 'static'


This file should already exist and be correctly implemented. But if you’ve made changes to it, or if there are problems, here is what it should look like. Take care to change all references to mysite to whatever your Django app's naming scheme is.

""" WSGI config for mysite project.

It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``.

For more information on this file, see """

import os

from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application

os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'mysite.settings')

application = get_wsgi_application()

5. Gather Static Files

The final step before you deploy your app is to gather all your app’s static content in a single folder that the App Engine knows it won’t have to update and can always access.

Django does this for you pretty easily:

python collectstatic

6. Deploy your app

Hopefully after you’ve frozen the requirements, added necessary files, and collected static, your app should be ready for deployment. So try:

gcloud app deploy

If you get a success message, congratulations! If you get a traceback, see what the error is and try to debug. Google is your friend here.

A success message alone isn’t enough though — actually load your application via the URL that gcloud app deployprovides. For instance, I got a 502 Bad Gateway error, even though my app "successfully" deployed.

In my case, the problem was with my configuration. If you have remaining errors, you'll have to Google them, but this guide should have gotten you pretty close to a fully working Django app on Google's App Engine.


I’m excited to learn more about Google Cloud and gain experience using web service providers. I’ve deployed to Heroku before, but I was much less happy with the result than I am with my first deployment on Google Cloud. I’m considering moving several applications over to GCP now that I know the basics of how to use it.

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I’m a web developer building things with Python and JavaScript.

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