Building vs exploring & the phases of life

May 20, 2024

At different times in your life, you're usually building OR exploring.

When you're in a builing phase, you make plans, build few deep connections, form attachments, and dedicate yourself to a given path/place.

When you're in an exploring phase, you're extemporaneous, make many loose connections, discover new things, and don't commit yourself to anything for too long.

Those are extreme descriptions, obviously. You're probably experiencing a mix of both at any given time. But I've found that people tend to lean one way for a while, then correct back the other way.

The balance between building and exploring applies in many parts of life.

This could apply to your career as a software developer, for instance. You might spend a few years getting really good at certain technologies, sticking with the same team for a while, and deeply learning a certain industry. Then, other times you might try many new things, hop between jobs, searching for novelty or at least a better fit.

The concept can similarly apply to other life decisions - where to live, who to partner, habits, health choices, hobbies, etc.

It can be helpful to notice when you're in a building phase or an exploring phase. When was the last time you experienced the other phase? Have you been building for so long that you feel stuck in place? Have you been exploring for so long that you don't see the rich connections & experience that come from really committing to something?

The pendulation between building and exploring seems to me to be one of the unavoidable aspects of life. Something worth appreciating & carefully considering.

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