What are your boundaries?

May 31, 2024

I see many software developers struggle with boundaries.

People work at strange hours or on the weekend. I don't mind if that's your style. I know tons of developers who get their best work done early in the morning or late at night.

But the problem comes when you're always available or stretching yourself too thin. When work becomes an always-on mentality, that's a bad sign.

One of the top regrets of elderly people is they wish they worked less.

So, take some time to think about your boundaries. When do you work best? When should you start & end work? What times are easiest to collaborate with your team?

The answers to those three questions might be slightly different, but they can help you form a plan for what your daily working hours should look like.

Then, communicate that plan. Make sure your manager and your team knows that you're not going to be available outside those times.

That might be tough if you currently have an always-on relationship with work. People are used to having unlimited access to you. You'll need some reason why the change. It could be a simple explanation - childcare, partner gets up early, new evening commitments. Just something to justify your new boundary.

The most important part (& the hardest for some people) is actually sticking to it. Truly sign off from work when you say you will. Turn off the computer. Be unavailable.

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